Retired people face many concerns. Hopefully you already have a lot of savings put away, are out of debt, and in a strong financial situation so you can relax for the rest of your retirement years. You will still make a lot of decisions that will impact you for maybe several decades. Hopefully for you, you make the right decisions.
How does the new health care law affect me? Should I purchase a vacation home now? What kind of mortgage would be best to get? I heard it is best to pay off my house as soon as I can. Is that true? What about health insurance? What about a will? What other legal paperwork should I have? What about a reverse mortgage? What about "legal' insurance? Should I use my credit card as my emergency fund? What kind of medical deductible do I need on my car insurance? What kind of risk should I put my savings into? What are some of the pros and cons of different savings plans? What should I do about my IRA? If I buy every kind of insurance and retirement plan out there, won't I be broke? What about my ROTH? Should I delay taking money out of my retirement funds? What other kinds of insurance would be smart for me to have? What deductibles are the best ones to get? What should I do about in my 401k? I just got married. Any financial concens I should take care of now? I want to start my own business. Where can I get the money to start with? I want to start a business part-time. What should I do? I need money. Where can I borrow money from? Should I start saving for my grandchildren's college? What about a long-term care policy? I just got divorced. Now what? What if I want to relocate? What safeguards should I have in place? My children are having a tough time with some of their insurance stuff. What can I do to help? Is my children's savings in the best place for them? How can I "best" help my children? Should I get a part-time job while I still can? How can I pass on the most money possible to my children? What about the different kinds of wills? How much will I need to retire? Am I on pace financially so my money does not run out? Do I need to protect myself against identy theft? Will I really have enough to retire with? What Medicare supplement is best for me? What about a Medicare advantage plan? What about a Medicare prescription drug coverage plan? Can the money I have in CDs earn a better return and still be safe somewhere else? What if the economy in the next 10 years is like the last 10 years? When my spouse dies, what happens to the dollar amount I get from social security? How can I pass on the most money to my children or grandchildren without it affecting me now?
People in retirement face these and many more decisions.
I can help with all this kind of "stuff." Contact me for a free consultation before your next big decision. You will sleep better at night.