Hopefully you are out of college with most of the education you need to earn a living. If you are new to the workforce, you will make a lot of decisions. Hopefully for you, you will make the right decisions.
How does the new health care law affect me? Should I rent or purchase a place to live? What kind of mortgage would be best to get? I heard it is best to pay off my house as soon as I can. Is that true? What about other health insurance? What kinds of wills and other legal paperwork should I have? What about "legal' insurance? Should I use my credit card as my emergency fund? What kind of medical deductible do I need on my car insurance? What kind of risk should I put my savings into? What are some of the pros and cons of different savings plans? What about an IRA? If I buy every kind of insurance and retirement plan out there, won't I be broke? What about a ROTH? How bad is it to delay putting away money for my retirement? Can't I just catch up later? What other kinds of insurance would be smart for me to have? What deductibles are the best ones to get? How much should I put in my 401k? I just got married. Any financial concerns I should take care of now? My wife is pregnant. Do I need life insurance yet? I want to start my own business. Where can I get the money to start with? I just lost my job. Where should I put my 401k? I just lost my job. Where can I borrow money? Should I start saving for my children's college? My kids are wanting cell phones. What is the smartest way to do that? Do I need disability insurance? What about a long-term care policy? I just got divorced. Now what? What if I have to relocate for my job? What safeguards should I have in place? My parents are having a tough time with some of their insurance stuff. What can I do to help? Is my parents' savings in the best place for them? How much will I need to retire? Am I on pace financially to retire when I want? Do I need to protect myself against identy theft?
These and many more decisions face working adults. I can help with all this kind of "stuff." Get in touch with me for a free consultation before your next big decision.